EMOOCs 2019 Conference

Federica Web Learning Centre, University of Naples Federico II
Naples, Italy, 20 – 22 May 2019

Call for papers

At the MOOC crossroads: where academia and business converge

The Higher Education landscape is changing. As the information economy progresses, demand for a more highly, and differently, qualified workforce and citizens increases, and HE Institutions face the challenge of training, reskilling and upskilling people throughout their lives, rather than providing a one-time in-depth education. The corporate and NGO sectors are themselves exploring the benefits of a more qualified online approach to training, and are entering the education market in collaboration with HE Institutions, but also autonomously or via new certifying agencies. Technology is the other significant player in this fast-changing scenario. It allows for new, data-driven ways of measuring learning outcomes, new forms of curriculum definition and compilation, and alternative forms of recruitment strategy via people analytics.

At the MOOC crossroads where the three converge, we ask ourselves whether university degrees are still the major currency in the job market, or whether a broader portfolio of qualifications and micro-credentials may be emerging as an alternative. What implications does this have for educational practice? What policy decisions are required? And as online access eliminates geographical barriers to learning, but the growing MOOC market is increasingly dominated by the big American platforms, what strategic policy do European HE Institutions wish to adopt in terms of branding, language and culture?

The EMOOCs 2019 MOOC stakeholders summit comprises the consolidated format of Research and Experience, Policy and Business tracks, as well as interactive workshops. And will feature keynote speakers, round table and panel sessions as well as individual presentations in each track. The aim is for decision-makers and practitioners to explore innovative and emerging trends in online education delivery, and the strategic policy that supports them. Original contributions that share knowledge and carry forward the debate around MOOCs are very welcome.



General Chair: Mauro Calise (Federica Web Learning Centre, University of Naples Federico II, Italy)

Experience Track Chairs: Justin Reich (MIT, USA), Jose Ruiperez-Valiente (MIT, USA)

Research Track Chairs: Carlos Delgado Kloos (UC3M, Spain), Martin Wirsing (LMU, Germany)

Business Track Chair: Catherine Mongenet (FUN, France); Gideon Shimshon (Imperial College, UK), Thomas Staubitz (HPI, Germany)

Policy Track Chairs: Timo Kos, (LDE Centre, Netherlands), Oliver Janoschka (Stifterverband, Germany)

Workshops: Martin Ebner (Graz University of Technology)




Further Information:

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